Home / News / Special Announcements / Youth Mental Health Forum 2016


The Albury Wodonga Youth mental health forum was held at the Cube on Tuesday August 9th. The day was a collaborative work between Albury and Wodonga health services with a goal to empower and educate young people, and in turn, reducing the stigmas associated with mental health.

We heard form Charlie Cooper, a representative from the national headspace youth voice committee. He spoke of his personal experiences with anxiety, and how he sought help and is now passionate about reducing the stigma of seeking help, particularly for young males.


We heard from students who had taken action in their own schools, Finley High School formed the STOMP team, a student team on mental health planning. Where they promoted national mental health initiatives, RUOK day and World Teachers day, where they appreciated their teachers. They have implemented blue as a colour for seeking help, and had blue day, and painted wellbeing doors blue to improve transition for incoming year 7s to easily identify where to seek help.
Hands day, everyone was given a blue and yellow hand shape. The blue for fears, and yellow for strengths. They are being grouped together, and will be on display Around the school to show that no one is alone in their fears.

Albury High school promoted the Wellfest, a mini festival with Northern Folk as performers and activities to promote mental health.

The 200 students at the forum from local schools represented then took part in planning to TAKE IT BACK to their own school community, with an action plan to implement change.

We decided that we would form a student led action team to work on wellbeing for students and raising awareness and in turn reducing the stigma of anxiety, depression and seeking help. We will be inviting other students to participate with us. Watch this space!



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