Home / News / Parent Announcements / Important Notice for Parents/Guardians



Dear Parent/Caregiver
You may have heard Police and media reports that a young person has passed away following a car accident on the Kiewa Valley Highway last Friday.
Our thoughts and heartfelt sympathy are with the person’s family and friends.

This young person has yet to be identified but we do understand they are local and therefore it is likely that there will be connections with our College.
Today and over the coming weeks, you may be concerned about the reactions of your child to this news. I also encourage you to let your child know that you are aware of this fatality and that you will listen to their concerns at any time they wish to share them. Staying connected and engaged with your child is one of the best ways to support them (when talking about the issue of death try to include discussion about positive ways of managing problems). Each individual deals with grief in different ways.

Unexpected deaths may trigger extreme feelings of loss and vulnerability amongst students and staff, as well as their parents, family and friends.
Wodonga Senior Secondary College will be concentrating on supporting our students and staff over the next few months. This means, among other things, maintaining normal routines and recognising that students can be affected by this event for many months to come. If your child is already using the services of a mental health professional, you should ensure this information is passed on to that professional.
Please feel free to contact school Wellbeing staff or Year Level Co-ordinators on (02) 6043 7500 for further information or if you have any concerns about your child. Contacting the nominated staff is an important way of ensuring you receive consistent and accurate information and for us to be aware of all parent concerns.

Yours Sincerely,

Vern Hilditch
Wodonga Senior Secondary College


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