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On Tuesday the 6th of March, students from Studio Art and Visual Communication Design were treated to an all-expenses paid excursion to Melbourne. Thanks to the generous donations of Krystyna and the Campbell Pretty family, we were offered an opportunity to experience the inaugural Triennial exhibition. A workshop run by the curator of the exhibition and an education staff member from the National Gallery of Victoria, was also provided. The access program is specifically for students in low socioeconomic areas to provide them with the same opportunities as their city counterparts. An experience that many may not be able to access without the support of generous donors.

The workshop gave our students insight on how to use other artists work as a starting point or inspiration for their own creative ideas. The work of Kushana Bush was explored for her storytelling and historical references. The students were to depict themselves in a personal yet contemporary setting, whilst trying to communicate their own narrative.

A self-guided tour around the gallery enabled our students to experience international contemporary art at its best. The exhibition took 4 years to organise with over 100 artists and designers exploring digital technologies, architecture, animation, performance, film, painting, drawing, fashion, tapestry and sculpture. Although there were still a few rooms of traditional paintings, majority of the works were immersive or interactive in some manner.

These ranged from a darkened, mirrored room using thin, linear lights projected onto the floor from above that moved with the viewer through the space to create a completely immersive experience. To woollen rugs created on looms depicting landscapes that are under threat, to highlight the impacts of infrastructure and globalisation on our planet and natural ecosystems. An insightful and inspirational experience was had by all that attended and is a must to see for any other creatives that may be heading to Melbourne any time soon. An overview of the exhibition is also online for further information.

Erin Dixon
Arts Teacher


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