Home / News / Student Announcements / Falls Creek High Plains Bushwalk


From the 28th of February to the 2nd of March, 8 members of the Year 11 Outdoor Education class took on a hike to the top of the high plains of Falls Creek. The three day hike took the group from trail to trail, stopping each evening at camp sites next to old historic snow huts.

The group excelled with their walking and made great pace each day, knocking down km after km, with the greatest challenge coming on the second day where the students managed to scale up the side and to the peak of Mount Nelse, where at the top they got a chance to catch their breath, enjoy the great view of the surrounding mountain ranges and snap a group photo. It was truly an enjoyable trip where the students got a chance to experience a beautiful part of Australia’s mountainous bushland and to bond and strengthen friendships over the big walks and the campsite meals.

Mitchell Eyers
Sport and Outdoor Education Trainee


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