Home / News / Student Announcements / Wilsons Promontory Excursion 2018


Starting bright and early at 5am on Tuesday the 13th of March and continuing through to late Friday evening on the 16th, two mixed groups of year 12 Outdoor Education students and four staff members hiked the mountains and valleys of Wilsons Prom National Park, it was a great few days soaking in some of the best natural views Victoria’s bushlands have to offer. A total of fourteen students took on the challenging daily hikes along the mountainous tracks sighting numerous native and introduced animals, such as wombats, stingrays, foxes and wallabies as well as taking in the tremendous views of both the ocean and the land from the great lookouts dotted all over the mountain range. The nights were spent camping by the sea in tents at different campsites, both groups staying at Sealers cove and Refuge Cove, while the other night was spent with one group at Oberon Bay Campground and one at Little Waterloo Campground.

By the end of the first night, the students learned quick to keep their food tucked away in their tents as one group got a visit from a curious wombat whilst the other group was ambushed by a passel of hungry possums that managed to make off with a score of pistachio nuts. All the students gave their best throughout the day, even when the tracks got hard with some of the groups better hikers helping those who were fatigued by taking some weight from their packs and encouraging them to get through the day. The evenings were filled with laughs, warm cooked meals and a quick wash off in the surf while the sun set over waves. It was a great trip which all the students thoroughly enjoyed, special thanks to the teacher in charge Martin Smith for his organisation of the excursion and to Terri Gregotski & Grace Morris for volunteering their time to help supervise.




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