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Two and a half years of hard work and perseverance pays off, for Year 12 student Madeline Tomkins, receiving one of the most prestigious awards that a Scout can obtain. Madeline has recently received the award of the Queens Scout which is awarded to only a small percentage of Scouts each year, attaining this top award for displaying each of the following, Initiative, sustained effort, self-discipline, teamwork and leadership.

Earning this award has seen Madeline develop a sought after skill set, working within the community to achieve seventeen different badges which took a great deal of time to complete.

Year 12 student Madeline Tomkins Queen’s Scout recipient

Completing an amazing 400 hours of documented work over the span of two and a half years which involved obtaining seventeen individual badges, collating quite a hefty binder of reports and badge activity statements.

“I really enjoyed going out and meeting new people, because being part of Scouts you get to meet other people like you from various regions” Madeline said.

Madeline has used this amazing achievement on her early application form at La Trobe University, where she wishes to study to become a pediatrician after completing her VCE at our College. Our students are active members within our local community, taking opportunities to give back through extra-curricula activities, the College Graduate Program and in their own time. The College would like to congratulate Madeline on her achievement.


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