Year 11 student Daniel Agbay is one of 4 finalists in the ACMI CurIOus game creation competition, the theme of this year’s competition is curiosity.
Daniel created a puzzle solving game where you play as a small character and move around the room solving puzzles to get the code to unlock the main room, which he created using visual studio with the help of resources found on the internet.
Year 11 student Daniel Agbay working on his game project for the Acme game creation competition
“I was very surprised to find that I was a finalist”, said Daniel “last week I received an email back congratulating me on being one of the finalist, there are four finalist in the game design year 9 to 12 category”.
After he graduates, Daniel wishes to pursue a career in software development or game design “This competition has strengthened my passion for game design“ Daniel said.
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