Home / News / Parent Announcements / Social Media & Cyber Safety Info Session


Come along to a social media and cyber safety information session held on Tuesday November 27th in the WSSC Lecture Theatre from 6:00pm to 7:00pm.

Reserve your seat: http://bit.do/ewLsx

The online world is fast becoming the centre of our children’s universe. It can be a challenging task for all of us to stay on top of the dangers associated with their use of technology, while ensuring they are able to find balance, and acquire the skills to not only stay safe, but to thrive within this environment.
We have engaged ySafe, Australia’s leading educators in Social Media and Cyber Safety to equip our students with the vital skills needed to master their online environments.

Session Overview
ySafe will facilitate education sessions for secondary students, from Year 7 to Year

12. Specifically designed in collaboration with young people, these sessions are structured to be developmentally appropriate, engaging and interactive. Our sessions are strategy-rich, and aim to empower students with the tools that they need to navigate the online world safely.

  • Cyber bullying and bystander empowerment.
  • Online wellbeing, including strategies for managing screen time, study distraction, social validation and digital self-esteem.
  • Sexting, the law and the distribution potential of explicit content.
  • Digital footprints, including exploring the impact on university and job prospects and strategies for harnessing a positive online reputation.

These sessions will be facilitated by Yasmin London. Yasmin has been a specialist youth liaison with the NSW police for over 8 years of her service and was awarded runner up NSW Youth Officer of the year in 2015. With extensive experience in the legalities and dangers associated with the technology terrain, including topics such as cyber bullying, inappropriate imagery and content and online predators, Yasmin regularly advises and consults to government, schools, parents and youth advocacy agencies on cyber safety education and management.

For further information and to reserve your seat: http://bit.do/ewLsx


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