Home / News / Special Announcements / Subject Expo Semester 1 2019


Come along to our Subject Expo held on Wednesday March 13th in the Trade Training Centre from 4:00pm to 6:30pm.

School Tours

Tours of our College will be run at 4:30pm, 5:00pm, 5:30pm and 6:00pm. These will commence from the entrance to the Trade Training Centre.

Information sessions held upstairs in TT16

Apprenticeships 101 – Will Watson (Geared for Careers) 4:15pm – 4:30pm
If you are considering an apprenticeship in the future you don’t want to miss this session!
This session will explain the ins and outs of apprenticeships and give you some tips and tricks for preparing you for an apprenticeship. There can be a misconception that ‘getting an apprenticeship will be easy – this session will give you a realistic view on the apprenticeship industry and the things employers are looking for in apprentices.

VCAL / VCE – Mark Smit (Assistant Principal WSSC) 4:45pm – 5:00pm
Ever wondered what the difference is between VCE and VCAL? This session will cover the requirements of VCE and VCAL and explain the fundamental differences in how each program is structured and delivered. If you are unsure which pathway to pursue, this session will help you make an informed decision.

Preparing for Work Experience – Careers Team from WSSC 5:15pm – 5:30pm
Work Experience is a great opportunity for students, and WSSC encourages all students to participate in a work placement throughout the year. Come and learn some tips and tricks for securing a meaningful work placement, how to prepare yourself and how to make the most of your placement opportunity.

Who goes to Uni? – Jess Watt School Partnership Program, La Trobe University 5:45pm – 6:00pm
If you have ever wondered if Uni is for you, what it’s like and how to get there, you don’t want to miss this session! Jess will give you a peek into Uni life, why others, just like you, have chosen to go and practical steps on how to get there.



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