Home / News / Student Announcements / Year 10 Design and Photography – Exhibition


Over the school holidays and the first week of this term the Design and Photography students completed a 30 day Photography Challenge. Students are given 30 words and they need to take one photograph that illustrates each word to them. Students have created a range of interesting and dynamic images, great work year 10.

AJ Martinelli-Walsh AJ Martinelli-Walsh Alisha Schubert Alysah Aschenbrenner

Alysah Aschenbrenner Alysah Aschenbrenner Amelia Cole Amelia Cole

Amelia Cole Amelia Cole Amelia Cole Ashtyn Saddington

Jorja Esler Jorja Esler Jorja Esler Megan Booth

Megan Booth Megan Booth Rose Delarue Ruby Dunstan

Ruby Dunstan Ruby Dunstan Student 1 Toby Bedford


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