Home / News / Parent Announcements / Trial GAT Day 2021


Thursday, 20th May 2021
Dear Parent/Guardian,
As announced in 2020 by VCAA (Victorian Assessment Authority), the redeveloped GAT (General Assessment Test), which will include the testing of minimum standards of Literacy and Numeracy, will be trialed in 2021, and launched in 2022.

This means that all students currently enrolled in Years 10 and 11 will be required to sit the redeveloped GAT in 2022/2023. Wodonga Senior Secondary College has been part of official trials conducted with ACER in 2020 and 2021. In Term 1, 2021, just over half of our Year 10 students sat a practice task with some of our students interviewed to help shape the test for 2022.

We anticipate the redeveloped GAT to be an online test in 2022 or transitioned to be online not that long after. This follows the trend with NAPLAN to move online.

To support your child’s preparation for this we are running a WSSC online trial GAT on Wednesday the 9th of June for all Year 10 and Year 11 students who are not enrolled in a Unit 3 VCE/VET.

In 2020, we successfully used our online platforms to facilitate an online WSSC trial GAT with the Year 11 cohort whilst the official GAT was conducted at school for Year 12s. This meant Year 11 students sat their WSSC trial GAT at home in 2020. We would like this again to be the case this year with Year 10 and 11 students sitting the WSSC trial GAT at home.

Teachers will be on their computers at school monitoring your child login to start the tasks, providing tech support if needed via email or MS Teams. We have also allocated time in exam week, Week 10, for students to sit this trial if they cannot do so on the 9th of June.

Your child matters and so does your support. We want to help build exam stamina over the years they are with us to achieve the best outcomes we can for your child. The results your child scores from the WSSC trial GAT continue to inform our work around Literacy and Numeracy interventions for all students including high ability students.

In summary:

  • Wednesday 9th of June
  • 10am to 2.15pm including break-time
  • Year 10 and Year 11 students
  • Exception being Year 11 students enrolled in a Unit 3 / 4 subject who must sit the VCAA GAT in person. When in doubt, please ask if you are unsure.
  • More information to be provided closer to the date.

Yours sincerely,
Nicole Jasinowicz
Acting Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning


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