Dear parents, carers and students,
I am writing to let you know that, further to the communication last week regarding a positive case of COVID-19 at our school, the Department of Health has directed our school to remain closed until further notice.
Until we advise otherwise, remote learning will continue for Year 10 to Year 11. However, VCE exams scheduled to take place over the coming days will go ahead as planned.
I would like to reassure VCE students and their families I have received advice that examinations can continue safely, so please note there are no changes to examination schedules, procedures or venues.
I am aware that this is a challenging situation, but please be assured I will provide further advice regarding arrangements for our return to on-site learning as soon as possible.
If you or anyone in your family develops even the mildest of symptoms, please get tested.
I would like to thank the entire school community for your support during this time.
Yours sincerely,
Vern Hilditch
Executive Principal