Download PDF Version – this also contains Frequently Asked Questions, and step-by-step instructions on how to complete your child’s immunisation consent card.
Notice to Parents/Guardians,
In 2023, the Victorian Secondary School Vaccine Program will offer free Meningococcal ACWY vaccine to students in Years 10. The vaccine provides protection against four strains of meningococcal disease (ACWY) and is administered as a single dose.
Information on the Meningococcal disease and the vaccine may be found in the detachable section of the consent card. Please read all information before making your decision and signing the consent card.
Please Note: Your student should have already collected their consent card. Please contact the front office if they do not have one.
The Consent Card Must be completed as follows:
ALL relevant sections of the consent card must be completed, signed and returned to the school even if your child is NOT being vaccinated.
To consent to your adolescent being vaccinated, please tick and sign the relevant YES section of the consent card in black or blue pen. If you DO NOT wish to have your adolescent vaccinated, please tick the relevant NO section of the consent card. All consent cards must be returned to the school by the due date.
Withdrawal of consent
Parents/guardians who wish to withdraw their consent for vaccination may do so by emailing or phoning the school, and Council’s Immunisation Team on before the vaccination day.
Consent Card Return Date: Monday 10 July 2023
Vaccination Date: Monday 17 July 2023
If you have any enquiries about the program, or your child’s immunisation, please contact council’s immunisation team on 1800 655 360.
Yours faithfully,
Bernadette Kosmina
Team Leader Immunisation Services