Home / News / Special Announcements / Albury Wodonga Eisteddfod


For the first time since 2019 WSSC and WMYC NESPA students are able to perform and compete at the Albury Wodonga Eisteddfod. Students have been working hard to prepare for their performances with our outstanding music staff. Students will be performing next Tuesday and Wednesday, we will have Soloists, Duets, Trios and the first ever combined Middle & Senior School Choir, featuring almost 30 students. Details of times for each group are below. Tickets are available at https://aweisteddfod.com.au or at the door for each event. Congratulations and best of luck to all competitors.


Tuesday 18 July
Albury Entertainment Centre – Banquet Hall 10:00am

Duets & Trios:
Tuesday 18 July
Albury Entertainment Centre – Banquet Hall 6:30pm

Soloists from WMYC:
Wednesday 19 July
Albury Entertainment Centre – upstairs Theatrette 1:30pm

Soloists from WSSC:
Tuesday 18 July
Albury Entertainment Centre – upstairs Theatrette 6:30pm